jitesh dundas
2012-10-11 13:56:36 UTC
Hi Everyone,
I am a new user for JExplorer. I need your help in importing an LDIF file.
1) My company has an LDAP directory which is maintained for all.. However,
for our own project group domain,we have our own internal LDAP setup within
the company.
E.g. company ldap has domain it.abc.com then our own LDAP has
abc.def.uji.stf.com .
I have the LDIF files ( bunch of files ) which have the domain structure.
When I connect to our Project Group LDAP, it gives all the details in the
explorer with users, structure , etc.
Now I try to import the LDIF file ( has different structure ) but it gives
*An error occured while processing the LDIF file
then i go ahead and check this file.The first few lines ( as shown in order
) are :-
Values in XXX have been changed due to company policies ( sorry :) )
#/opt/XXX/ldap/V6.2/sbin/64/db2ldif -o
/opt/app/tspace/idsldap/ldap_files/all_users_dump_2012-07-10.ldif -I
idsldap -k mytspacekey1 -t mytspacesalt -
s ou=people,o=XXX(sorry cannot show this value),c=us
dn: cn=crypto,cn=localhost
cn: crypto
objectclass: ibm-cryptoConfig
objectclass: ibm-slapdConfigEntry
objectclass: top
XXX-slapdCryptoSync: +zjHRlwDt/c2aK0v
XXX-slapdCryptoSalt: mytspacesalt
XXX-entryuuid: a705bbc0-d61c-102f-9e15-e5fcd37619c6
*As you can see, the 4th line is a blank. What is the issue in this.The
structures presented are different..
So how do i import the ldap without affecting the current structure of the
project group's ldap.
Thanks & Regards,
Jitesh Dundas
Phone - 732-357-6292
I am a new user for JExplorer. I need your help in importing an LDIF file.
1) My company has an LDAP directory which is maintained for all.. However,
for our own project group domain,we have our own internal LDAP setup within
the company.
E.g. company ldap has domain it.abc.com then our own LDAP has
abc.def.uji.stf.com .
I have the LDIF files ( bunch of files ) which have the domain structure.
When I connect to our Project Group LDAP, it gives all the details in the
explorer with users, structure , etc.
Now I try to import the LDIF file ( has different structure ) but it gives
*An error occured while processing the LDIF file
then i go ahead and check this file.The first few lines ( as shown in order
) are :-
Values in XXX have been changed due to company policies ( sorry :) )
#/opt/XXX/ldap/V6.2/sbin/64/db2ldif -o
/opt/app/tspace/idsldap/ldap_files/all_users_dump_2012-07-10.ldif -I
idsldap -k mytspacekey1 -t mytspacesalt -
s ou=people,o=XXX(sorry cannot show this value),c=us
dn: cn=crypto,cn=localhost
cn: crypto
objectclass: ibm-cryptoConfig
objectclass: ibm-slapdConfigEntry
objectclass: top
XXX-slapdCryptoSync: +zjHRlwDt/c2aK0v
XXX-slapdCryptoSalt: mytspacesalt
XXX-entryuuid: a705bbc0-d61c-102f-9e15-e5fcd37619c6
*As you can see, the 4th line is a blank. What is the issue in this.The
structures presented are different..
So how do i import the ldap without affecting the current structure of the
project group's ldap.
Thanks & Regards,
Jitesh Dundas
Phone - 732-357-6292