[Jxplorer-users] Access in write mode to AD
Luigi Santangelo
2007-06-01 08:08:25 UTC
Hi all,
At this moment, I configured Jxplorer to access the Windows 2000
Server's LDAP (Active Directory) using LDAPs protocol (port 636) and I
can browse the LDAP tree. But I cannot insert/modify the object (for
example the user's credential). It seems to me that I can access the
LDAP only in read mode. How could manage to set Windows Server or in
Jxplorer in order to access in write/update mode the LDAP tree?
Thank you in advance

Best regards


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Chris Betts
2007-06-02 09:24:53 UTC
Hi Luigi,

this is an Active Directory problem :-). I believe you have to
log in as an administrator, and have the correct permissions set.

- Chris
Post by Luigi Santangelo
Hi all,
At this moment, I configured Jxplorer to access the Windows 2000
Server's LDAP (Active Directory) using LDAPs protocol (port 636) and I
can browse the LDAP tree. But I cannot insert/modify the object (for
example the user's credential). It seems to me that I can access the
LDAP only in read mode. How could manage to set Windows Server or in
Jxplorer in order to access in write/update mode the LDAP tree?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Naviga e telefona senza limiti con Tiscali
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Jxplorer-users mailing list
Douglas E. Engert
2007-06-04 14:47:04 UTC
Post by Chris Betts
Hi Luigi,
this is an Active Directory problem :-). I believe you have to
log in as an administrator, and have the correct permissions set.
Correct. You must use the GSSAPI, as AD can GSSAPI/Kerberos for authentication.
Post by Chris Betts
- Chris
Post by Luigi Santangelo
Hi all,
At this moment, I configured Jxplorer to access the Windows 2000
Server's LDAP (Active Directory) using LDAPs protocol (port 636) and I
can browse the LDAP tree. But I cannot insert/modify the object (for
example the user's credential). It seems to me that I can access the
LDAP only in read mode. How could manage to set Windows Server or in
Jxplorer in order to access in write/update mode the LDAP tree?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Naviga e telefona senza limiti con Tiscali
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