[Jxplorer-users] two problems with JXP
Chris Betts
2007-12-03 23:09:47 UTC
Hi Clint,

example.ldif viewing seems to work fine for me; what version of
java are you using and what platform? If you're on linux, are you
possibly using gcj instead of the Sun java library? gcj does not
support swing very well, amongst other limitations.

regarding proxies - good point, but I'm a little out of my depth
here. Currently it doesn't support proxies, however apparently all
that is required is something like:

System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "host address");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "host port");

... this should be able to be emulated immediately by passing
these properties via the '-D' mechanism, so something like modifying
jxplorer.sh to add

... java -Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy -
Dhttp.proxyPort=85 ...

- but I haven't tried this (and don't have a tame proxy
available to try it on either). If you do try it and it works, can
you let us know :-)?

- Chris

P.S. There is a more complex procedure for authenticating to the
proxy as well, but I think it requires code to set up the URL, I'm
not sure how well it would play with JNDI. It should work I guess,
but would require some code modifications...
if I look at your offline LDIF example.ldif, I get a multitude of
"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" occurrences
the stacktrace doesn't show anything but awt and swing frames, so
no help there...
and I can't set it up to go through a proxy to get to a server (I
have to ssh-tunnel from home into company net)
-- clint
Clint Hyde
2007-12-14 15:42:18 UTC
sorry about the late reply, apparently it got spam-filtered. just found
Post by Chris Betts
Hi Clint,
example.ldif viewing seems to work fine for me; what version of
java are you using and what platform? If you're on linux, are you
possibly using gcj instead of the Sun java library? gcj does not
support swing very well, amongst other limitations.
sun java 1.6.0_03-b05

I have never used/touched gcj.

it's the same NPE prob I think I'd mentioned before...shows up in doing
layout of the second person's data after viewing the first peron ok.
after this, they almost all do it when switching from one person to
another. or there's a different one for _paintImmediately have a null
graphics...I still see the data, so I can't tell what might be wrong.
Post by Chris Betts
regarding proxies - good point, but I'm a little out of my depth
here. Currently it doesn't support proxies, however apparently all
System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "host address");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "host port");
right, proxies are easy for http stuff, done that myself. I don't know
if that applies to other connections...my experience with this is only
with creating an http proxy, such that the opening of a URLConnection
uses the info. I have the feeling I tried it with something else and you
couldn't do the setup at all, so I think I quit there.

It's not my impression that other kinds of connections will work...so I
was asking the question...since I don't know if you are
Post by Chris Betts
... this should be able to be emulated immediately by passing these
properties via the '-D' mechanism, so something like modifying
jxplorer.sh to add
... java -Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy -
Dhttp.proxyPort=85 ...
- but I haven't tried this (and don't have a tame proxy available
to try it on either). If you do try it and it works, can you let us
know :-)?
sure. I can at least try the -D things...
Post by Chris Betts
- Chris
P.S. There is a more complex procedure for authenticating to the
proxy as well, but I think it requires code to set up the URL, I'm
not sure how well it would play with JNDI. It should work I guess,
but would require some code modifications...
I've no experience/knowledge with this...

-- clint
Post by Chris Betts
if I look at your offline LDIF example.ldif, I get a multitude of
"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" occurrences
the stacktrace doesn't show anything but awt and swing frames, so no
help there...
and I can't set it up to go through a proxy to get to a server (I
have to ssh-tunnel from home into company net)
-- clint
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