[Jxplorer-users] SASL Authentication
Zach Anderson
2012-03-07 02:00:51 UTC
Hoping someone can help here.

I came from a mainframe/RACF background so maybe I am missing something obvious.

I have installed JXPlorer onto a Vista System,
I have installed Java SDK onto the Vista System so I can maintain the Key store.

I have installed IBM's Tivoli Directory Server  (LDAP in any other language) onto the backend system

I can get JXPLorer to connect and work fine when I use connection level of SSL + User + Password.
What I want to do is connect using certificates only, I am thinking that means  "SSL + SASL + Keystore Password".

I loaded what I think is the correct certificate into the keystore using the keytool -import command.

However when I try to connect JXPlorer is giving me an error

"Error Opening Connection:
 error pre-initialising SSL for JNDI connection:
 java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with or password was incorrect"

But I have no idea what this actually means, or where to look to find information about it.

Chris Betts
2012-03-07 04:12:53 UTC
Hi Zach,

SASL can be a bit of a handful the first time you try to set it up. You
need to have the server cert in your server keystore (usually cacerts.jks),
and your client cert *and private key* in your client keystore (usually

Have a look at chapter 12 in the Admin guide (
http://jxplorer.org/documents/JXv3.2_Administrator_Guide.pdf) (which is
much the same as the online help) and see if that makes any sense...

JX provides a visual interface to the keystores by the way, which may be
more useful than the keystores.

- Chris
Post by Zach Anderson
Hoping someone can help here.
I came from a mainframe/RACF background so maybe I am missing something obvious.
I have installed JXPlorer onto a Vista System,
I have installed Java SDK onto the Vista System so I can maintain the Key store.
I have installed IBM's Tivoli Directory Server (LDAP in any other
language) onto the backend system
I can get JXPLorer to connect and work fine when I use connection level of
SSL + User + Password.
What I want to do is connect using certificates only, I am thinking that
means "SSL + SASL + Keystore Password".
I loaded what I think is the correct certificate into the keystore using
the keytool -import command.
However when I try to connect JXPlorer is giving me an error
java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with or password was incorrect"
But I have no idea what this actually means, or where to look to find information about it.
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