2007-06-14 00:21:46 UTC
Hi Anthony,
at the moment it only does static LDIF files. There's some code in there
to do LDIF files with modify operations, but it's not production quality or
comprehensive, and was only used for testing.
So, at the moment, 'no', unless someone wants to get in there and clean
it up!
Dr Christopher Betts
Melbourne, Australia
Wer mit Ungeheuern kampft, mag zusehn,
dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird.
- Nietzsche
(Who fights Monsters must beware,
lest in doing so they become one)
at the moment it only does static LDIF files. There's some code in there
to do LDIF files with modify operations, but it's not production quality or
comprehensive, and was only used for testing.
So, at the moment, 'no', unless someone wants to get in there and clean
it up!
I really like the tool but I was wondering is there a way to perform an
import that will perform an Update/ADD option like LDAPBrowser?
Anthony Manfredi
import that will perform an Update/ADD option like LDAPBrowser?
Anthony Manfredi
Dr Christopher Betts
Melbourne, Australia
Wer mit Ungeheuern kampft, mag zusehn,
dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird.
- Nietzsche
(Who fights Monsters must beware,
lest in doing so they become one)