[Jxplorer-users] Scilly question
Vidar Håkestad
2006-06-26 18:51:27 UTC
I've installed OpenLDAP 2.2.27 for Mandriva followed by the installation of
your magnificent JXplorer.

Nothing much configured, but have started slapd and inserted some minor amount
of data into the ldap database (my domain, and a rootdn with a password for

When trying to connect with Username and Password, I constantly get the

Error opening connection:
[LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN]

Obviously there is something wrong somewhere, and I've tried any combinations
I can think of for the Base DN, login account name and password. Nothing
seems to fit.

Appreciate any leads on this. The database contains no users yet. Maybe that
is the problem?

Chris Betts
2006-06-26 21:29:19 UTC
Hi Vidar,

this is probably an openldap config issue - when you set up
openldap, in their config file you set a manager dn and a default
password, as well as a base DN. The manager dn is often something
like cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com , and the password may be
'secret'. Obviously you change these once it's all installed :-).
Anyway, it sounds like you're not putting the full manager dn (e.g.
'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com') in, or maybe it isn't set up
properly? Anyway, the openldap doco is probably a good place to look
for more details: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin22/

or here is a quickstart guide: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/

good luck!

- Chris
Post by Vidar HÃ¥kestad
I've installed OpenLDAP 2.2.27 for Mandriva followed by the
installation of
your magnificent JXplorer.
Nothing much configured, but have started slapd and inserted some minor amount
of data into the ldap database (my domain, and a rootdn with a
password for
When trying to connect with Username and Password, I constantly get the
[LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN]
Obviously there is something wrong somewhere, and I've tried any combinations
I can think of for the Base DN, login account name and password. Nothing
seems to fit.
Appreciate any leads on this. The database contains no users yet. Maybe that
is the problem?
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Chris Betts
2006-06-27 21:45:04 UTC
Excellent! Great to hear it works :-)

- Chris
It works!! Thank you for the pointers.
1) The Manager (default 'superuser' name in slapd.conf in my
installation) had
not been created in the database. You typically do that by creating
a text
# Manager's account
dn: Manager
cn: manager
objectClass: person
sn: manager
Then issue the command
$ slapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f
Answer with the password specified in your slapd.conf.
2) Do not specify any text at all in the 'Base DN' text field in
the login box
and the password specified in your slapd.conf file.
Login worked like a charm :-)
Post by Chris Betts
Hi Vidar,
this is probably an openldap config issue - when you set up
openldap, in their config file you set a manager dn and a default
password, as well as a base DN. The manager dn is often something
like cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com , and the password may be
'secret'. Obviously you change these once it's all installed :-).
Anyway, it sounds like you're not putting the full manager dn (e.g.
'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com') in, or maybe it isn't set up
properly? Anyway, the openldap doco is probably a good place to look
for more details: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin22/
or here is a quickstart guide: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/
good luck!
- Chris
Post by Vidar HÃ¥kestad
I've installed OpenLDAP 2.2.27 for Mandriva followed by the
installation of
your magnificent JXplorer.
Nothing much configured, but have started slapd and inserted some minor amount
of data into the ldap database (my domain, and a rootdn with a password for
When trying to connect with Username and Password, I constantly get the
[LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN]
Obviously there is something wrong somewhere, and I've tried any combinations
I can think of for the Base DN, login account name and password. Nothing
seems to fit.
Appreciate any leads on this. The database contains no users yet. Maybe that
is the problem?
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