[Jxplorer-users] wrong initialization of certificate path
Bunjes Friedemann
2013-04-11 10:31:28 UTC

I have downloaded JXplorer for Mac and startetd it by accident from my Downloads folder.
After moving it to /Applications, I get the following error when I try to log in to our SSL secured ldap server:

Error opening connection:
error pre-initialising SSL for JNDI connection: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL Initialisation error: file '/Users/myname/Downloads/jxplorer-3.2.2.app/Contents/Resources/security/cacerts' does not exist.
javax.naming.NamingException: error pre-initialising SSL for JNDI connection: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL Initialisation error: file '/Users/myname
/Downloads/jxplorer-3.2.2.app/Contents/Resources/security/cacerts' does not exist. [Root exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL Initialisation error: file '/Users/myname
/Downloads/jxplorer-3.2.2.app/Contents/Resources/security/cacerts' does not exist.]

The jxplorer preference file does not contain the path info.
How can I set the correct path to avoid keeping a copy of the program in my Downloads folder?


Dr. rer. nat. Friedemann Bunjes
Hertie-Institut für Klinische Hirnforschung
Zentrum für Neurologie
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Otfried-Müller-Str. 25
72076 Tübingen
Tel. +49-7071-29-81999
Fax +49-7071-29-25010
Chris Betts
2013-04-11 21:30:56 UTC
Hi Friedemann,

JX writes itself a config file called 'jxconfig.txt'; if you open the
JXplorer package you should find it at the top level under

The first time it is run it notes where all the files it uses are using

If you haven't set much configuration just delete this file, and it
will rewrite it using it's current location as a default, or you can open
the file and edit the dir.* and option.ssl.* variable appropriately.

Note that the current version of JX (3.3.02) should store it's config
and data in the 'correct' OSX location for application data, rather than in
it's own directory, so you shouldn't get this problem moving the app around
with the newer version. Older versions such as 3.2.2 sometimes had
permissions problems writing to their package directory in the
/Applications folder.

hope that helps,

- Chris

On 11 April 2013 20:31, Bunjes Friedemann <
Post by Bunjes Friedemann
I have downloaded JXplorer for Mac and startetd it by accident from my Downloads folder.
After moving it to /Applications, I get the following error when I try to
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL Initialisation error: file
does not exist.
javax.naming.NamingException: error pre-initialising SSL for JNDI
connection: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL Initialisation error: file
/Downloads/jxplorer-3.2.2.app/Contents/Resources/security/cacerts' does
not exist. [Root exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL
Initialisation error: file '/Users/myname
/Downloads/jxplorer-3.2.2.app/Contents/Resources/security/cacerts' does not exist.]
The jxplorer preference file does not contain the path info.
How can I set the correct path to avoid keeping a copy of the program in
my Downloads folder?
Dr. rer. nat. Friedemann Bunjes
Hertie-Institut fÃŒr Klinische Hirnforschung
Zentrum fÃŒr Neurologie
UniversitÀtsklinikum TÌbingen
Otfried-MÃŒller-Str. 25
72076 TÃŒbingen
Tel. +49-7071-29-81999
Fax +49-7071-29-25010
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