[Jxplorer-users] New 'read only' version of JXplorer available
Chris Betts
2013-11-23 12:38:17 UTC
Hi Folks,

we've just released 3.3.1 (rc2). There's been no negative feedback
about (rc1), so this should become the new official 3.3.1 release in early
January if no bugs are found.

Aside from some cosmetic fixes to make logging slightly less chatty,
the main change is the ability to create 'read only' connections which are
guaranteed not to accidentally alter the directory. People have been
asking for this for years, and we recently got sponsorship from Geoscience
Australia to implement this feature.

Download available at:

- Chris

3.3.1 (rc2) * Added support for 'read only' connections * Added a config
value 'lock.read.only' which forces *all* connections to be read only *
cosmetic tweaks to logging for rc1

*Dr Christopher Betts*
Australian Cloud Identity
m: 0408 533 456
