[Jxplorer-users] Re: Automated/Silent deployment
Chris Betts
2006-05-11 22:12:10 UTC
Hi Paul,

file locations are stored in the jxconfig.txt file, so you could
work with that. However, JX will happily write those file locations
defaulting to it's current location if they don't exist - you may be
able to get away with simply unpacking it to your destination
directory and providing only a partial config file?

Alternatively, you can specify the location of the config file
on the command line.

- Chris
I am putting together a Citrix farm for a customer and want to do a
custom automated installation of JXplorer. But we need to provide
a custom install location as well (on the D instead of C drive)
Are there command line options, or an unattended answerfile
template for the JXplorer install?
Paul Drangeid
TeleData Consulting, Inc.
(612) 298-8489