[Jxplorer-users] dc vs. domainComponent
Chris Betts
2007-06-23 22:12:03 UTC
Hi Christoph,

the problem is JX is getting confused between two different text
names for the same attribute. This is a long running problem that
has finally been fixed in the latest version, however it hasn't been
released yet because we're messing around trying to find a new
installer to replace the current one :-(.

If you're keen you can check out the source and build from the
latest code, but it will probably be easier for you to simply 'turn
off schema checking' in the options. Another alternative is to
change your openLdap schema so that it only uses one name for the

- Chris
[CC to Chris because in the past my postings to jxplorer-users did
not get
through, for whatever reason.]
dn: dc=textgrid,dc=it,dc=fh-worms,dc=de
dc: textgrid
objectClass: domain
objectClass: top
structuralObjectClass: domain
entryUUID: 8d40de1e-b5f4-102b-9b46-b8ae32f8c930
creatorsName: cn=admin,dc=textgrid,dc=it,dc=fh-worms,dc=de
modifiersName: cn=admin,dc=textgrid,dc=it,dc=fh-worms,dc=de
createTimestamp: 20070623164302Z
modifyTimestamp: 20070623164302Z
entryCSN: 20070623164302Z#000001#00#000000
OpenLDAP seems to be happy with this entry, but JXplorer does not
let me
change any of its attributes; it complains "All Mandatory
Attributes must have
It seems JXplorer checks for the presence of the attribute
(which appears in bold in the table view). But it ignores that
defines "dc" and "domainComponent" as synonyms. (In fact, JXplorer
also shows
a separate attribute "dc" with value "textgrid" in the table view.)
If I enter a value in the row "domainComponent" as well and press
submit, then
the server reports an error because the attribute is already in
use. (javax.naming.directory.AttributeInUseException: [LDAP: error
code 20 -
modify/add: dc: value #0 already exists]; remaining name
Is this a bug in JXplorer or a misunderstanding on my part?
FH Worms - University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Informatik / Telekommunikation
Erenburgerstr. 19, 67549 Worms, Germany