[Jxplorer-users] JXplorer upgrade bug/issue
Chris Betts
2012-07-06 22:14:19 UTC
Hi Carl,

What version and platform were you upgrading from? Were you upgrading
from the release candidate?

On Windows this shouldn't be a problem, and from non-RC1 versions it
shouldn't be a problem, however I can see that if you were on RC1 with,
say, Linux this would be an issue :-(. Thanks for the heads up, and I'll
see if I can figure out how to make sure the installer doesn't blow these
files away in future!

Many apologies, and thanks for the bug report,

- Chris
I’m not sure if this is the proper method to report bugs or upgrade issues
for Jxplorer.****
** **
I just upgraded to Jxplorer 3.3. After the upgrade, my connections.txt
file was deleted, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to recover it (it’s
not in the recycle bin, I don’t see it backed up anywhere, etc.) I use
this file to store information for a number of different connections.****
It would be great if the install/upgrade could preserve this file. (There
may be other files or data worth preserving as well, such as search
filters, etc.)****
** **
Carl Traub****
CA technologies****
[image: Description: GoLive_EmailSignoff_Primary_Short_B_Yellow]<http://www.ca.com/us/go-live.aspx>
** **
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456