[Jxplorer-users] Losing connection loading db
Chris Betts
2007-07-26 12:57:07 UTC
Hi Vinod,

I'd say your ldap connection was dropping out and that you had a
networking problem of some sort? I don't think this is anything to
do with the client...

- Chris
Hi Chris,
My problem is as follows I think you can suggest with a solution
I am running 2 LDAP’s one being primary and the other secondary
(it’s like a switch if one is down the other will be up)
In the initial case the say when primary is up and the secondary is
down the messages are passing and when I change to primary down and
secondary up it was throwing the following exception.
I am using the java version -
WARN 2007.07.16 14:59:12.388 com.logica.omg.application.ThreadPool
$TaskRunnable doRun THREAD_WARN Thread LDAPService.ldapQueue-
(null) java.lang.NullPointerException, null
Best regards
Vinod Roy
IT Consultant
LogicaCMG - Releasing your potential
Divyasree Technopolis
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Chris Betts
2007-07-26 20:27:38 UTC
Hi Vinoy,

JX works fine with java 1.4, and there should be no need for =20
extra jar files beyond those already shipped with JX in the /jars =20

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your simulator or setup; the =20
error that JX is throwing may indicate that it is failing to read =20
ldap responses half way through a search that started successfully? =20
Again, I don't think this is a client problem.

good luck,

Hi Chris,
Thanks for your suggestion but adding to this
To be clear I am testing it with the help of a simulator (MIND)
and it was as follows
1.) I am running 2 mind simulators on LINUX as primary and
secondary, I am making the secondary down (enabling a firewall on
the port where it was running) and making primary up sending
messages and the messages are passing with out any nack’s but when
I do the other way say enabling firewall on the primary and making
secondary up then for some time the messages are going but after
some time it was throwing the exception as mentioned in the
previous mail
But to be confident there is not network problem and I can see the
messages are going after some duration this exception was throwing
There are 2 questions I want to ask you
1.) As I mentioned I am using the java version is there
any specific ldap.jar need to be added to my path to support this?
I added one ldap.jar but don’t know whether that support or not (if
any specific needs to be added please mention it)
2.) Is this in any way related to the JVM?
Thanks in advance Chris and waiting for your reply…………………..
WARN 2007.07.16 14:59:12.388 com.logica.omg.application.ThreadPool
$TaskRunnable doRun THREAD_WARN Thread LDAPService.ldapQueue-
(null) java.lang.NullPointerException, null
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