[Jxplorer-users] JXplorer sometimes hangs when using java 1.5.0
Douglas E. Engert
2009-10-08 21:58:07 UTC
We have been using JXplorer for a number of years, but recently
it has started to sometimes hang just after connecting.

This is using the GSSAPI to either OpenLDAP on Ubuntu or Windows 2003
or 2008 AD servers.

It appears to be related to recent updates to Java 1.5 and fails
on Windows XP and Solairs 10 (1.5.0_21-b01)

But upgrading to Java 1.6.0_02-b06 on XP appears to solve the problem.
Ubuntu with Java 1.6.0_16-b01 appears to work as well. (I have not
updated the Solaris yet.)
All three are using the same jxplorer build from 2007.

Rebuilding JXplorer from SVN against Java 1.5.0 on Solaris has the same problem
on Solaris. but this build works on Ubuntu with java 1.6.0

On the OpenLDAP server the last request from the client was:

Oct 8 14:23:55 xxxx slapd[10149]: conn=7 op=3 SRCH base="dc=it,dc=anl,dc=gov" scope=0 deref=1 filter="(objectClass=*)"

Oct 8 14:23:55 xxxx slapd[10149]: send_ldap_response: msgid=4 tag=101 err=0
Oct 8 14:23:55 xxxx slapd[10149]: conn=7 op=3 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=

It appears that the client receives the GSS packet, unwraps it then sasl or ldap
waits for more input.

I have tried .level=ALL in the jxconfig.txt
and -Ddebug=true -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true which get some of the Kerberos
but not enough of what ldap and TCP are doing.

Any way to debug the java ldap?

Has anyone seen this before?
Douglas E. Engert <***@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444