Chris Betts
13 years ago
Hi Folks,
the next version of JXplorer is up - the main changes are support for
paged results and support for RFC 4523 (certificate related schema
handling) which improves compatibility with openldap.
There are also fixes to a number of annoying bugs, including one from
Robert Wruck which should fix the majority of the annoying swing errors
which have plagued us for years.
Apologies that not all your feedback has made it into this release; in
particular the build system still needs work.
- Chris
New Features 3.3
1) multiple windows
1a) set window title to server URL
2) multi-window copy and paste (including advanced copy options; copy with
new name, replace, merge)
2a) Copy from LDIF tree...
3) extension code to allow JXWorkbench
4) support for paged results (under Advanced Options)
5) support for rfc 4523 ';binary' extensions to certificate-related
Bug Fixes 3.3
1) can't save LDIF changes with extra schema
2) need an 'unsaved changes' alert on table editor pages )
3) Copy DN was disabled for LDIF Files
4) Removed need to double enter naming value changes when editing ldif
5) Robert Wruck's fix for swing errors (many thanks Robert - sorry it took
so long!)
6) minor interface fixes / tree refresh etc.
the next version of JXplorer is up - the main changes are support for
paged results and support for RFC 4523 (certificate related schema
handling) which improves compatibility with openldap.
There are also fixes to a number of annoying bugs, including one from
Robert Wruck which should fix the majority of the annoying swing errors
which have plagued us for years.
Apologies that not all your feedback has made it into this release; in
particular the build system still needs work.
- Chris
New Features 3.3
1) multiple windows
1a) set window title to server URL
2) multi-window copy and paste (including advanced copy options; copy with
new name, replace, merge)
2a) Copy from LDIF tree...
3) extension code to allow JXWorkbench
4) support for paged results (under Advanced Options)
5) support for rfc 4523 ';binary' extensions to certificate-related
Bug Fixes 3.3
1) can't save LDIF changes with extra schema
2) need an 'unsaved changes' alert on table editor pages )
3) Copy DN was disabled for LDIF Files
4) Removed need to double enter naming value changes when editing ldif
5) Robert Wruck's fix for swing errors (many thanks Robert - sorry it took
so long!)
6) minor interface fixes / tree refresh etc.
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456