[Jxplorer-users] JExplorerScreenshot for J-Explorer error
Chris Betts
2008-06-07 07:17:16 UTC
Hi *Srilakshmi,

There's not enough information here to figure out the problem; try
running it from the console using the batch file jxplorer.bat, and see what
the error it gives on the console is.

- Chris

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Srilakshmi_Kosuri <
Dear Chris,
After installation of JXplorer IAm facing this kind of error
I have referred so many search engines but I couldn't find please suggest me
what I have for this kind of error
This is the screenshot for Jxplorer.
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* **Thanking you,*
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* Regards,* [image: my sign]**
* Srilakshmi Kosuri,*
* Satyam Computers Services Ltd..,*
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