[Jxplorer-users] Version 3.3 beta 3 - Language fix
Chris Betts
2012-02-23 06:59:40 UTC
Hi Folks,

v3.3b3 is up on Sourceforge. Main change is a fix for language files
(which now default to UTF-8, although they should still work for UTF-16 and
*may* work for local encodings; but this is not guaranteed). Anyway, I've
tested it with German and Chinese and it all seems to work again...

Also I've added a 'force.locale=...' option to the config to allow for
easier language testing.

(as a side warning though; if you change languages your stored
connection details get muddled. They come back when you return to the
original language. I can't see this affecting a great many people however.)

- Chris
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456