[Jxplorer-users] Jxplorer
Chris Betts
13 years ago
Hi John,

we've been seeing a few of these problems with the installer - I suspect
for some reason the installer is failing to 'find' your java installation,
although I have no idea why.

The work around is to install the 'deploy.zip' version from sourceforge
and run it from jxplorer.bat. Unfortunately, in a bit of an oversight I
didn't put a 'deploy.zip' file up for release 3.2.2, however it's almost
identical to the release candidate, which can be considered stable:

(Or if you're feeling brave, you can grab the 3.3 beta with the
multi-window handling :-) ).

hope this helps,

- Chirs
Trying to install Jxplorer 3.2.2 on XP Sp3 pc and getting Java Virtual
machine Launcher error: could not find the main class. Etc.****
** **
Any ideas?****
** **
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456