[Jxplorer-users] How to Expand Large Tree
Chris Betts
2012-11-15 04:04:18 UTC
Hi Terry,

you can add a parameter to the startup script when it calls java: e.g.
-Xmx1024m will set it to 1Gb of memory

.. or if you're on windows 7, you can try setting it permanently:


... however I have to say that just browsing 30,000+ entries probably
isn't a good idea in JX (it's not likely you could usefully browse that
many anyway) - you may be better off setting a search limit in the JX
options (say 1,000) and then doing searches for any specific entries or
entry ranges you need to browse. This will also make the browser a lot
more responsive... trying to browse 50,000 entries in a UI isn't usually a
good idea!


- Chris
Hi Chris:****
I got one problem with JXplorer. When the tree has too many entries,such
as 30000 or more , the tree will hang up. I have searched the solutions
in bug area, it may work if I increase the memory of JVM, but how to
increase the memory? Which file is the configuration of JXplorer. I will appreciate
for any help.****
Thank you for your time****
Best Regard // Terry Wang****
[image: line]****
Technician Senior* ****
Dr Christopher Betts
Pegacat Software
Melbourne, Australia
m: 0408 533 456

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